Vanessa da Silva will lead a two-part workshop Saturday May 4th, 2019. During the early morning session 7:00 - 9:30 am, Vanessa will guide students in Mysore-Style primary series Yoga practice. In the late morning session 10:00 - 11:30 am, Vanessa will speak on Yoga Philosophy and lead Satsang, a spiritual discourse in community. Essence of Mysore WOrkshop, Saturday May 4, 2019
Vanessa began her formal Yoga training in 2013 with Indira Kalmbach, director of Pavones Yoga Center in Costa Rica, fulfilling RYT 200 hours Multidimensional Yoga Teacher Training, and completing RYT 500 hours with supplementary courses in Art of Flow and Integrative Healing Yoga Therapy. The following year Vanessa traveled to Mysore, India, birthplace of the Ashtanga Yoga System. She studied with Sri B.N.S. Iyengar, disciple of Sri Krishnamacharya, who is considered to be the father of modern Yoga, and Vanessa fulfilled a Yoga Teacher Training in the Ashtanga Vinyasa Tradition. Ever since then, she has returned to India to study with Ajay Kumar, direct disciple of B.N.S. Iyengar, to deepen and strengthen her personal practice, and to continue study in the Ashtanga Method, concluding a two-month Teacher Training course in Mysore-Style Ashtanga Vinyasa in 2017. Vanessa has developed a great interest and respect for the Mysore-Style method and has dedicated herself to share this beautiful Ashtanga Yoga tradition. In 2018 she began full-time Yoga Philosophy study with Mr. Sudheera, Sanskrit scholar from Mysore, and has completed third-level Patanjali Yoga Sutras and Baghavad Gita classical studies and chanting. This workshop is open to all students and is split in two sections: Primary and Philosophy. Students may choose to attend either section on its own ($20 each) or join Vanessa for the full workshop ($35).
Part 1: Primary The morning begins with twenty minutes of Sound Meditation: Omkaara, chanting the sound of Om. which is the first mantra in a traditional meditation practice, and Bija Mantras to activate the energy of each chakra to purify the mind and body. This uplifting sound meditation will calm and center students to prepare to flow through Mysore-Style primary series. In Mysore-Style students practice at their own pace the portion of the sequence appropriate to their personal practice. The practice is done peacefully in silence as Vanessa guides the students individually by physical adjustments or verbal instruction. Cards outlining the series are available for reference for those who do not have the sequence fully memorized. This amazing method following a fixed sequence encourages focus on the subtle energy of each posture allowing the prana to flow at ease, as less emphasis goes toward the physical performance of the asana. There will be an official break 9:30 - 10:00 am; however, not every student will need the full two hours to complete their Mysore-Style practice and may finish Part One earlier than 9:30. Please nourish yourself; you may bring snacks to the studio. Part 2: Philosophy Vanessa will dedicate the second portion of the morning to Yoga Philosophy. She will delve into subjects including the meaning of the Om symbol and mantra, study of the first three Yoga Sutras, the purpose and meaning of Ashtanga Yoga, and the fundamentals of Ashtanga Yoga practice: Breath, Bandha, Drishti, and Vinyasa. The morning will conclude with Satsang as Vanessa answers questions and addresses students' doubts or confusions.
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